5 Things I Wish I had Known Before I Started Using Cloth Nappies

1. Variety is key!

This is true of both brands and styles. Babies all come in different shapes and sizes and different nappy brands and styles fit slightly differently. We found that our Close Pop In nappies fit Immy first and there were nappies we just didn't reach for initially as she was so diddy. However, as she has grown and changed from being a tiny baby to a running toddler, our go to nappy choice has changed! 

Variety in a stash is key - there is no best brand or "right" brand and that's why I'd heartily recommend having a selection of different nappies and styles rather than one large stash of one brand. You may find you come to prefer one or two brands for a while but this might not last! 

2. There is help if/when you need it!

Whether this is in facebook groups, emailing for support or by attending a drop in nappy consultation. There are so many places you can go for support if using cloth nappies isn't living up to what you wanted it to be. No journey - in anything - is straight forward and bump free and we are here to support you, no matter where you are along the way! Email us and get in touch!

3. It doesn't have to be full time!

Using cloth nappies doesn't have to be full time! You may find that you only want to switch at night initially as your disposables keep leaking, or maybe you're having frequent poo blow outs with your newborn and you want to give a few a try in the daytime. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing choice, every single nappy swapped to reusable is another disposable prevented from landfill. 

4. Relax - you will find a rhythm! 

I can remember writing my husband a 4 page colour coded guide to reusable cloth nappies when I was pregnant. He didn't need it and so much of the information was surplus to what we needed to know! I had written out the different absorbencies and fit guidance and.. I was a bit mad about it! However, actually once Immy was here, all we needed to do was fit the nappies on her and wash them - it was all very straight forward and we soon found our rhymth!

5. Washing and drying them is okay - even in rainy England! 

I spent so many hours researching and reading all of the advice I could find about washing and drying reusable nappies. The list of things I worried about was endless but actually once we started it wasn't as daunting as I first thought it would be. We now have a good wash routine (read our blog or get in touch if you want support with yours) and we rarely need to use cream as we've found Immy doesn't get rashy with reusable nappies. When we have had to use cream, it has been easy to prevent any absorbency or staining issues by using a liner! 


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