The Pros and Cons of Reusable Cloth Nappies

I'm assuming you're reading this blog as you are considering using cloth nappies and you want to know if this is the right decision for you. Unfortunately, I can't tell you that, only you can decide if you want to use them - however, I can explain the pros and cons to help you make an informed choice! 

So let's start with disposable nappies. Disposable nappies are easy to use. Everyone is familiar with a disposable nappy, you can buy them in supermarkets and many smaller shops and you don't usually have many wee leaks with a disposable. However, a disposable nappy takes 500 years to decompose, you will most likely experience poonamis (poo explosions), they increase the risk of nappy rash for your little one and there is an average of one cup of crude oil in every nappy! Plus all the chemicals which help them have a stay dry feeling for the baby! 

Cloth nappies hold the solution to many of the problems encountered with disposable nappies and more! 

♥ They are kinder to the planet

♥ Less likely to cause nappy rash - no chemicals and only natural fibres

♥ Save you money - often hundreds of pounds per year! 

♥ No poop explosions or poonamis! 

♥ Provide the best hip positioning for development of healthy hips

♥ Potential to potty train earlier

However, as with all things, there are some cons to reusable cloth nappies you need to consider. 

♥ The initial outlay can be high. Reusable cloth nappy schemes run by your local council or independently (such as ours, available at can help with this

♥ You need to wash them regularly

♥ You need to learn to get the right fit for your little one (often quick and straight forward, sometimes you might need some advice from other cloth bum parents) 

♥ Possibly stepping out your comfort zone and having to explain your choice to friends or family

Most of the cons around using reusable cloth nappies can be negated by reaching out for advice and support, to the many groups in existence and to like minded people. There are many other cloth bum parents out there. We always welcome people getting in touch - regardless of if your nappies were bought from us or have been gifted to you or purchased elsewhere! We want to support your cloth nappy journey as the more we all work together - the easier it is! 

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